Origin date April, 16, 1999.
Major cities:
Present update: 07 Nov 2004.
This Internet WEB site invites the participation of all viewers, especially those who have origins in Bangladesh to participate and support the establishment of Bangladesh Education Advancement Foundation (BEAF) in every major city of the world.
The mission of the proposed worldwide Bangladesh Education Advancement Foundation (BEAF) is to apply modern technology to:
the educational infrastructure of Bangladesh
Harnessing the power of the Internet: The power of Internet can be harnessed to link and network up with a large number of Bangladeshies living overseas in the 5 continents. A Chapter/Branch of the Bangladesh Education Advancement Foundation (BEAF) can be established in the major cities of the world. The Internet can be used to connect all these BEAF organizations around the world, 24-hours, 365 days in a year and the network can be used to coordinate the activities of the BEAF.
Overseas Intellectuals: There is a 'brain-drain' from Bangladesh. A large number of highly qualified Bangladeshi intellectuals and professionals have emigrated from Bangladesh. With the establishment of Bangladesh Educational Advancement Foundation (BEAF), these intellectuals and professionals can use BEAF as a center and channel their intellectual expertise to develop Bangladesh.
Large overseas population: Over a million Bangladeshi currently live overseas in the 5 continents. Most earn a good living and donating $ 5 a month towards the development of the educational infrastructure of Bangladesh would not be a financial burden to anyone. If only 100, 000 Bangladeshies around the world, becomes members of BEAF and donate a mere $ 5 per month to the Foundation, then $ 500, 000 a month or $ 6 million a year can be collected by BEAF and the full amount can be injected to modernize, strengthen and expand the educational infrastructure of Bangladesh. With the success and credibility of BEAF over the years, many families overseas would most likely increase their donations and become active participants.
Management of the Foundation It is now possible to run a world wide organization at low administrative cost. The BEAF organization can be computerized with data base of donors, use electronic accounting, fund raising, auditing, and provide web pages and with e-mail facility for BEAF members and volunteers. The day to day activities of the Bangladesh Education Advancement Foundation (BEAF), and all information can be updated quickly and instantly viewed all over the world.
Initially, this Foundation will aim at the Bangladeshi community in USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, and the Middle Eastern countries and promote the idea of establishing a educational Foundation in every major city of the world under the common name Bangladesh Education Advancement Foundation (BEAF), and as a charitable, nonprofit, non-political organization in accordance with the local laws of these countries.
Depending on the financial situation, in a given year, the BEAF will undertake one or more of the following programs at any given time:
To develop the electronic libraries, BEAF volunteers around the world will browse the global Internet and look for public domain collections of tutorials and other educational materials. The volunteers will select and transfer good quality tutorials on to the Bangladesh Open Education Network (BOEN) and also copy the educational material into the CDs, DVD and VCR tapes and make them available in Bangladesh cities, towns and villages. The local people will be able to borrow these VCR tapes, DVD and CD from the post office or stores in Bangladesh.
Team spirit and human relations in very weak in Bangladesh. Distrust and disgust and jealousy at others is strong due to bitter life experiences with others, poverty, frustration and despair. People are frequently haunted by extortionist, various deceptions, selfishness and injustices in society. By nature and anthropology, the Bangladeshi people are basically individualist and not a team player and hence the society is disunited. Disunity cause huge economic loss to the country each day. Social unrest and mutual bitterness is common. It is difficult for an individual to develop a healthy attitudes and pleasant personality in the Bangladesh environment.
As a part of modernization of education in Bangladesh, BEAF will encourage the students to study human psychology , and the development of good unselfish character and a pleasant personality.
The students benefiting from BEAF shall find assistance from BEAF to:
The governing rules of BEAF shall be stated in the "Constitution and By-laws of the Bangladesh Education Advancement Foundation" document to be registered with the Government of Canada, under the Income Tax Act and approved by the Minister. (Please click on 'link' on the left panel)
Branches of BEAF
In due course of time, BEAF organization will be expanded to have Branches/Chapters around the world and function like a non-profit, charitable franchise in each major city.
Groups of volunteers in different parts of the world will take turns to share a BEAF task. No more than 1 hour a week (on average) will be requested from each volunteer of the BEAF. Different groups will concurrently work to execute different tasks of educational project management.
The volunteers will also campaign to promote the philosophies and objectives of the Bangladesh Education Advancement Foundation in the Bangladeshi communities and around the world.
It has been estimated that eventually, as the concept of world wide Foundation spread around the world, it may become possible to raise U.S. $ 1 million per month from the Bangladeshi people living overseas. With that amount, it will be possible to construct at least 8 new modern school or college buildings in a year in Bangladesh per year.
This may be alarming to some people. Therefore, it is proposed that there should be no central pool of funds and each city where BEAF is established must select their own Board of Trustees in that city to manage their funds.
BEAF Fund storage
The Constitution of the BEAF shall make it mandatory for all the BEAF organizations, branches and chapters of BEAF around the world to connect to the global internet and to post their latest financial statements, plans and future activities on the global internet web site and give read-only access to all the BEAF members.
The day to day operation of the BEAF and all it's branches will be visible on the Internet, 24 hours a day, 365 days in a year in every part of the world, including daily color pictures from the school construction sites, classes in session, spread sheets of financial account balances, audit team reports, audio, video clips and pictures of students.
BEAF will work towards the objectives of providing every man, women, youth and children, regardless of their age, an opportunity to receive formal and continuing education in every branch of human knowledge from simple cooking lessons to space science engineering.
Bangladesh Open Education Network will provide access to formal and continuing education and intensive courses over the Internet, VCR, CD and DVD. The courses will cover all branches of human knowledge, from simple cooking lessons to space travel, knowledge in physical sciences, social science, Technology, Engineering, astronomy, medicine and arts.
The Open Education Network will be run mainly by Bangladeshi professors, teachers, professionals and other educated people residing in USA, Canada, U.K. , Australia, Europe, Middle East and those in Bangladesh.
The idea of Bangladesh Open Education Network for the people of Bangladesh is very similar to The Open University in U.K., which is delivered on the British TV, except the BEAF version of the Open Education will be available on the Internet, DVD (Digital video disk), VCR and on CDs.
Trained BEAF Volunteers around the world will assist any Teacher, Professor, Professional or an educated person wishing to donate his/her knowledge or experience to the Open Education network . BEAF volunteers will provide technical support with recording machines and course presentation aids, such as audio or video recording and editing of the course material, microphones and visual presentation tools etc.
Life of the Educators
The recorded lectures on the Internet, DVDs, CDs, VCR will make many participants and educators "immortal", as their voice, thier pictures, their written text and video would continue to be available to the new generation of Bangladeshi people for many decades and even long after the teacher or professor has passed away. The modern technology, provides the facility even for the dead educators to continue to serve the living people on earth with their pre-recorded voice, text presentation or video tape lectures. They shall continue to "live" in Internet Web site, CDs, DVDs and VCR tapes forever and serve the people of Bangladesh.
Latest technology has opened tremendous opportunities to impart mass education rapidly and at low cost. The PC, Internet, CD, DVDs, videotape, VCR and Distance Learning medium can reduce the cost of education and revolutionize mass education. In text format, one CD or DVD can hold more than 200 books, and one CD presently cost only $ 2. Never in the history of mankind, so much information and knowledge could be stored so cheaply. CDs and DVDs have certain advantages. The books cannot show moving pictures and audio or be interactive but CDs and DVD can do that. Hence, learning via PC, CD, DVD & VCR can be more effective.
Educational courses developed by the BEAF will be available on demand by mail order, or on the Internet 24-hours a day, 365 days a year to all the people of Bangladesh.
BEAF will show to the interested BEAF members how this can be done, i.e. how to find the needy student in Bangladesh and how to verify the background of that student, such as name, address, town, village, family income etc. BEAF will seek the assistance of existing NGOs in Bangladesh if they offer the services free of cost.
With proper education, knowledge, new skills, constructive values, positive attitudes and with an international outlook, the human beings transforms from being a purely instinctive, discriminatory undeveloped creature into a rational, productive, constructive and caring human being.
Without proper education and without the development of higher values and outlook in life, people lack skills, remain poor, mean minded, cynical, irrational, jealous, aggressive, vindictive and in despair.
In Bangladesh, the number of seats in government run schools, colleges and universities are too few compared to the very large population of Bangladesh. Only the rich families can educate their children in private schools, universities, colleges or in private institutes. The students from the poor class of people in Bangladesh are neglected, and stand no chance to under take any modern education and training. The Bangladesh Education Advancement Foundation (BEAF) will aim at providing new opportunities to the neglected masses of Bangladesh.
Advanced computer training promoted by the BEAF will contribute in the development of highly labor-intensive Software export industries in Bangladesh similar to those in India. (In USA Software, industry exceeds $ 400 Billion)
BEAF educational programs will assist individuals and groups to develop expertise in
Software package development for export can be in such areas as such as accounting, office automation, mathematics, engineering, arts, computer movie production, computer games, financial database and telecommunication, health science, etc.
This averages to $ 150 per month per student. Only 15 families living overseas, contributing only $10 per month (or 30 families contributing $ 5 per month) can change forever the life of one student Forever for the better.
Only 1,500 Bangladeshi families living overseas contribution $ 10 per month (or 3,000 families contributing $ 5 per month) can change the life of 100 students from poor families for the better.
With donation from 1500 Bangladeshi families (contributing $10 per month), it will be possible to run a private 100 student computer training institute in Bangladesh and also to give out 60 scholarships.
200 student Training Institute is also possible: The number of students can be increased to 200, if the number of teachers are also increased. The education In addition, training is given in two shifts, one in the morning (8 a.m. 2 P.M.) and an evening shift (3.P.M to 9 P.M.)
This venture would also result in contribution to the local economy of Bangladesh, where the school or the Training Institute will be situated, as $15,000 would be spent in that geographical area of Bangladesh. Also, a group of highly skilled technical work force would germinate and breed in Bangladesh for the modernization of data and information processing needs of the country. With more extensive use of computers in offices, business and services, the long waiting queues would reduce.
The wealth, advancement, economic power and high standard of living in the western civilization can be attributed to the invention of computers. Without computers, the western civilization would return to year 1920 level.
A computer donated to a village school in Bangladesh today, would be more than 500 times more powerful than computers used by NASA to send man to moon and those used by U.S. Air Force for their Air defense RADAR system in the 1960s.
this new power in the computer is due to the recent technological
advancements in microelectronics. The mass scale manufacturing, caused drastic reduction in the price of computers.
The applications of computers is increasing worldwide, in almost every aspect of human activity. The different applications of computers are limitless, but only a tiny population of the world, is really aware and knowledgeable of it's limitless power and strategic value.
For example, computer are used in very simple applications like financial accounting, too highly complex applications like
A computer connected to the global Internet gives instant access to a very vast source of information and knowledge, both in text and audio visual form, showing information from the life of a house fly to astronomy, mathematics, engineering and the history of the universe. In future, with the rapid deployment of computers, it will not be necessary to go to the library. Computers will give instant access to entire human knowledge.
The demand for skills and knowledge in Computer Science and Information Technology (IT) will remain in high demand in every country for many decades and perhaps for many centuries. Those with computer skills find higher paying jobs compared to other professions.
In Bangladesh, currently
there are thousands of young men and women from poor families with
Bachelor's degree in Science, Commerce and Arts, but are unable to find any
suitable employment, even though the Computers and Information Technology
(IT) job market is growing worldwide. The poor people cannot afford the
high cost of re-education and training. Also, the number of professionals
in computer are too few in that country.
The establishment of one or more private computer training institutes in different parts of Bangladesh, funded by the Bangladeshi people living overseas will provide new opportunities for the less privileged in Bangladesh.
Non-financial support
People can offer non-financial support, such as intellectual, educational, managerial or technical assistance support. Non-financial support will also be a noble contribution and will be greatly appreciated by all. For example, one can volunteer to donate 2 hours a month to take turns to answer incoming e-mails to the BEAF.
Tax deductible financial support
Financial support can be of any amount, and will be tax deductible as BEAF will be a registered charitable organization. Donations can vary from $ 5 per year to $ 10 (or more dollars) per month. Through solicitations for educational grants from donor countries and organizations and by making personal donations, and worldwide fund raising campaign, participants of BEAF can contribute in the noble cause of human development of the under-privileged in Bangladesh.
With the popularity of the concept of BEAF, the number of BEAF organizations around the world may begin to rise and go up to 70 or more branches, all dedicated to the noble cause of providing new opportunities for the students from poor families of Bangladesh to receive modern education.
Anyone donating $ 5 or more a month to BEAF, will automatically become a member of BEAF and acquire voting right to influence the decision making. The voting right will be limited to the BEAF branch and the city where the BEAF is established. However, a individual can become a member of several BEAF branches in a country, or in several countries by donating to those branches and acquire right to vote in those branches.
Each BEAF member will also be able to vote on issues facing BEAF either via the paper, show of hands or electronically via voting password and the Internet.
Each city where BEAF is established must have it's own Board of Trustees to look after the donations from that city. The funds of BEAF will be managed by a Board of Trustees, elected by voting members of BEAF in that city. In a major city, where a BEAF is established with 50 or more members, at least one trustee in the Board of Trustee must be a women and elected by the BEAF members in that city. A BEAF Trustee cannot be a Trustee of another BEAF Board of Trustees at the same time.
Participation into BEAF organization is entirely voluntary and must be purely for humanitarian reason and for no other purpose. BEAF cannot be used to make financial gains or to acquire personal popularity, fame or power. Gains if any, for making one's contributions to the BEAF will be entirely a private and a personal thing. For many, participation in such a noble cause may be a spiritual experience. BEAF shall not seek the influence of high ranking official and politicians. BEAF will be run by ordinary sincere and dedicated people.
There should be no central pool of BEAF funds. Each BEAF organization in a city in USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and Middle East should collect In addition, manage it's own BEAF fund almost independently. The funds shall be kept in separate accounts. BEAF funds would reside in different banks, in different account numbers around the world and managed by the local Board of Trustees of the BEAF organization in that city.
Each BEAF organization in a city, in consultation with other BEAF organizations around the world shall contribute directly to the educational development projects in Bangladesh according to an amount voted by the donors of that city. Decisions regarding funding a project in Bangladesh and expense management can be made in a general body meeting in their city and held as and when required. Each BEAF organization in a city in USA, Canada, UK, Australia or the Middle East could also directly monitor the progress of the educational projects in Bangladesh and make payments directly to the workers in Bangladesh in installments based on the progress made.
BEAF would employ some people in Bangladesh on a full time basis, such as School Teachers, Computer Instructors, administrative support staff. The salary and expenses of BEAF employees in Bangladesh may be equally shared by the different BEAF organization around the world, or according to some agreed upon formula, between the major (large) BEAF and minor organizations around the world. BEAF organizations in a large city with larger sums of donated money may be considered to a major BEAF organization.
BEAF organization in a city or town shall be almost independent. The BEAF organization shall have a non-hierarchical almost flat organizational structure consisting of Board of Trustees and donors. The Board of Trustees shall be elected by the donors for a period of 2 years In addition, may be re-elected in the following years. The Board of Trustee of a BEAF organization in a city shall have no jurisdiction over a BEAF organization in another city.
Please e-mail your suggestions to
Click here for Financial Resources for setting up private SCHOOLS and Computer
Let us assume, that
initially only about 4000 Bangladeshi families living overseas donate, just
$10 per month. This will result in a monthly collection of $40,000. This
amount will be sufficient to run at least 3 modern schools or Computer
Training Institutes in Bangladesh for the students from poor families.
If 10,000 Bangladeshi families living overseas donate only $10 per family for education, this will result in a monthly collection of $100,000 per month and will accumulate to $ 1.2 million per year. This much money can be used to purchase hundreds of computers and educate several hundreds of students. The students can build a new future, and better their lives. With new skills, good education and a good job, they will be able to help other members of their own family.
For BEAF organizations in Canada, it may noted that the Scotiabank has recently opened a branch in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This bank may be a suitable bank for the operation of the Bangladesh Education Advancement Foundation (BEAF).
Reason for the donation
Bangladeshi families may like
to donate for various reasons. Some may donate in memory of their departed
parents. Some may donate simply for the reason that they think that
donation for the education of the poor is a very good idea and is
consistent with the principles and philosophies of life they follow or
because of their spiritual life or religious beliefs.
Trustee Board members will be unpaid and elected through balloting by participants of BEAF.
Each BEAF organization would manage it's own fund. A educational project, such as establishment of a new school or a Computer Training Institute in Bangladesh may be financed with the contribution from one or more BEAF organization around the world.
Media of Communication between BEAF organization in different
Once the Bangladesh Education Advancement Foundation
(BEAF), is established in several countries, the Internet WEB site and the
e-mail can become the prime media of communication between the BEAF
organization to provide 24 hours a day, up to date information on the
activities of BEAF.
Open Financial Statement
The financial statement showing
details of the funds collected, and expenses being incurred will be
available for viewing world wide, 24-hours a day, 365 days a year on the
Internet WEB pages. Anyone, anywhere in the world with a computer at home
Alternatively, in office, will be able to browse over the financial accounts of BEAF
at any time. The financial statements will be updated monthly and posted
on the World Wide Web. The constitution of BEAF should mandate the monthly
publication of financial statements on the World Wide Web. Such visibility
will give confidence to the donors' worldwide and show how and where the
money is being utilized. This will encourage them to renew their donations
Alternatively, voice their concerns.
Account Management
Well-established Chartered Accountancy
firms will be appointed as auditors. The Financial reports will be
published on the WEB.
Appreciation for donations
If desired by any major donor,
their color photos or the organization's logo can also be published on
BEAF's WEB site.
Use of the funds
Participants of BEAF will not receive any financial remuneration for
their work. The funds raised will be used for purchasing computers,
setting up the computer laboratory, purchasing test equipment, computer
software, furniture for Institute, renting building space, paying for
water and electricity and paying the salaries of the teaching and
administrative staff.
Use of any excess funds
excess funds will be used to increase student enrollments, expanding
building space, purchasing more computers and equipment and recruiting
more teachers or the money can be put away temporarily, for future use in
bank accounts, which give high interest earnings.
Long term
long-term plan of Bangladesh Education Advancement Foundation (BEAF) is to make
the Foundation self-sufficient. One possibility is that with overwhelming
response from the Bangladeshi people living overseas and others, there may
be excess of funds. The excess funds can be used to purchase land in
Bangladesh, outside the major cities and to construct a modern
multi-storied building in Bangladesh to provide a permanent home for the
Bangladesh branch of BEAF and to house a Computer Training Institute and a
school dedicated to providing education and training to the students from
poor families. Any extra space in the multi-storied building may be rented
out to Banks or large corporations to generate revenue for the Foundation.
The revenue generated may partially pay for the operation of BEAF and the
Computer Training Institutes in Bangladesh.
Photo gallery of
enrolled students
The BEAF can also post a picture gallery of
the students enrolled in the Computer Information Technology Training
Institute on a WEB site, and description of the courses taken by students
and comments from students about their life at the Institute. The photo
gallery will be visible world wide on the Internet 24-hours a day, 365
days in a year.
Pictures of the Information Technology Training
When established, the address and the pictures of the
Computer Information Technology Training Institute and the teaching staff
will also be posted on the BEAF WEB sites. Donors will be able to see how
their money is being used in Bangladesh.
It is realized that if the proposed Training Institute is established
in more interior part of Bangladesh, it may be very difficult to find
instructors to teach at the Institute due to the acute shortage of
computer professionals in Bangladesh. It is hoped that due to the nearness
of Comilla to Dhaka City, some computer professionals may be willing to
relocate and accept an offer of employment to teach in the Training
Institute in Comilla.
Volunteers of Bangladesh Education Advancement Foundation (BEAF)
Volunteers for the establishment of Bangladesh Education Advancement Foundation (BEAF) are Professors, Engineers, Professionals and other dedicated citizens from all parts of the world.
Some of the names are listed below:
Syed Sajjadur Rahman PhD. Director General Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) 200 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, Canada Telephone: (819) 977-4901 Home E-Mail: sibgat@home.com E-mail: sajjad_rahman@acdi-cida.gc.ca Home E-mail: Home: (613) 823-4663 |
![]() Associate Professor Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada e-mail: anwarislam@rogers.com 2039 Calico Crscent, Orleans, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K4A 4L7 Home telephone: (613) 830-3477 |
![]() "Let's Learn Together" Senior Radiopharmaceutical Evaluator Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate Health Canada Government of Canada (613) 952-7788 E-mail: rezaul_mannan@hc-sc.gc.ca E-mail: rmannan@home.com Home: 24 Tartan Drive Nepean, ON Canada, K2J 2W2 (613) 823-4582 |
![]() Senior Policy Analyst Public Service Commission, Ottawa Government Of Canada (613) 992-9961 E-mail: Mustafa.Chowdhury@psc-cfp.gc.ca Home: 448 Rougement, Orleans Ontario, Canada K4A 2Y8 (613) 830-2566 |
![]() ![]() Mr. and Mrs. Abdur Rahim Mr. Rahim is Consultant, Public Service Commission, Ottawa Canada Ottawa, Canada Home Address: Orleans, Ontario, Canada K1B 4W6 Tel: (613) E-mail: rahimx@sprint.ca |
![]() Travel Consultant & Planner Former executive of UNICEF, British Airways, Al-Italia and Air India. Manager & Owner of Khan Travels 1755 Woodward Drive, Suite #110 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2C 0P9 Tel: (613) 274-3424 (Off.) Tel: (613) 825-5630 (Res.) Fax: (613) 274-3779 e-mail: ataurkhan@canada.com |
Habib Zafarullah, PhD Faculty Member, School of Social Science, University of New England, Australia Formerly, Professor and Chairman, Department of Public Administration, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Editor, Politics Administration and Change |
![]() Mr. and Mrs. Zamil uz Zaman Mr. Zaman is Project Officer International Tax Services Office Canada Customs and Revenue Agency in Ottawa. Home: Orleans, Ontario, Canada Tel: (613) E-mail: zamil_z@yahoo.com |
Syed Iftikhar Ahmed Chemical Engineer Richmond, Ontario (905) 780-1800 E-mail: iftikhar@accesscable.net |
![]() Professor, Information and Quantitative Systems, Algonquin College, Nepean, Ontario Tel: (613) 727-4723 ext 7080 Tel: (613) 723-3254 (home) e-mail: osher@zdnetonebox.com E-mail: osher@zdnetonebox.com> |
![]() Aminul H. Khan "If you can't do great things, do small things in a great way." -Napoleon Hill Tel: 613-825-3914 Cell: 613-796-3914 Home: 171 Beatrice Drive, Nepean, ON Canada K2J 4P2 E-mail: Amin.khan@mailcity.com |
Ashfaq Ahmad Senior Economist e-mail: ahmed.ash@ic.gc.ca 1390 Montessori Way Orleans, Ontario, Canada K4A 3C3 e-mail: taslimkhan@sprint.com (613) 834-7912 |
![]() Mr. & Mrs. Quazi T. Ahmed
"Education opens great doors into the future"
Mazharul Islam Johann Justus Weg 136 Appt. 4/ 41 Oldenburg 26127 Germany Phone : 441 4087920 (Res) Phone: 0175 6484561 (handy) E-mail: mazhar@asme.org Homepage: http://anjan.homepage.com |
Rezaur Rahman, LLB (Hons) LLM Immigration Counsellor Nexus Counselling Services (NCS) 524 Jean Talon West, Suite 8 Montreal (Quebec) Canada H3N 1R5 Phone : (613)- 632-5286 441 Phone: (613) - 632-5286 Fax: (514) 948-6227 E-mail: reza@generation.net |
![]() Professor Saifur Rahman Director Alexandria Research Institute Virginia Tech, 206 North Washington Street, Suite 400 Alexandria, VA 22314, USA Phone: (703) 518-8080 Fax: (703) 518-8085 |
Mr. & Mrs. Ismail www3.sympatico.ca/ismail.m |
![]() Professor and Head Department of Biochemistry Institute of Health Sciences Gono University Savar, Bangladesh Tel: 880-2-770-8079 Formerly: Professor and Scientist Liver Center, Yale University Medical School New Haven, Connecticut, USA 95 Kaye Vue Drive, 1D Hamden, CT 06514 USA Tel: (203) 230-1707 E-mail: rahmanma@aol.com |
Please spread the word around and about the mission of Bangladesh Education Advancement Foundation (BEAF).
Please e-mail your friends regarding BEAF and request
them to visit this site
https://members.tripod.com/beaf or http://beaf.tripod.com
Please, try to establish a Bangladesh Education Advancement
Foundation (BEAF) branch in your city
....Thank you.
or send e-mail to
imtiazgreg@yahoo.ca(click here)
or call Syed Imtiaz Ahmed at (613) 824-7566
Please e-mail your comments and suggestions to
or write to:
580, Wilkie Dr. Orleans, Ontario, K4A 1N3 Canada
BEAF's first meeting